Amon Ra’s Power Ritual
by High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
  1. This Ritual is based on vibrating the Runes and making certain affirmations. Raising your energies before the Ritual is advised.
  2. The Sigil that is provided is the point of focus for this Ritual. It is this Sigil here.
  3. The Runes that are done here can be vibrated around the center of the Sigil, where the Shenu Protection Ring is. You can imagine this lighting up so much, like the Sun has a layer of light surrounding all of it.
  4. Vibrate these Runes in a short version [i.e., do not draw the runic vibration on a very big breath, especially for those who are new and can't do that many vibrations].
  5. This Ritual contains 220 Vibrations, which is a bit less than 2 circles of Mala beads. If you can't do that many, reduce the number of vibrations by half [e.g., instead of vibrating the Runes 10 times each, only do 5 vibrations].

Start by Vibrating the letters of the Runes and then affirming once the following:

Fehu x10

Sowilo x10

Kenaz x10

Then affirm ONCE:

Amon Ra, Firstborn and Chosen,
The people of the Joy of Satan greet you with warm salutations!
Praised are you, Most Excellent,
You are the Sun of Paradise that shines in all dimensions.

We, Satan’s Disciples, do request more of your gentle light!

[Focus on the Sigil willing this so]

Perthro x10

Mannaz x10

Sowilo x10

Then affirm ONCE:

Your Priests Still Sing For You in Heliopolis now and eternally.
The Gates are opened wide in Four Directions.
Everyone beholds your presence in Upper and Lower Egypt.
You stand on Beelzebul’s Right side and Lucifer’s Left side.

[Focus on the Sigil willing this so]

Lagur x10

Fehu x10

Eihwaz x10

Then affirm ONCE:

Behold, great is your power when you stay in protection of the Wise.
Lord Amon Ra, your Light is impeccable and defeats all falsehood.
The Wise are Guarded by You, left and right.
You carry the scepter of power, above and below.

[Focus on the Sigil willing this so]

Tyr x10

Sowilo x10

Raidho x10

Then affirm ONCE:

Your presence is known by the pious ones, the holy women and men.
The people will say: “Has Amon Ra ever guarded those in falsehood? Any impostor has lost all their power in front of thee!”

Everyone knows you by your Justice,
You carry the flaming sword that Guards the Serpent,
Unsheathing it, you let the Divine Flame of eternity glow.

[Focus on the Sigil willing this so]

Eihwaz x10

Lagur x10

Dagaz x10

Then affirm ONCE:

All the prayers are seen by your Divine approval,
You are He who informs and sends solace.
By your grace, we say: “Greatest Amon, bright, radiant, infinite, elegant! This is who you are, Amon Ra. Your enemies have lost all power.
Amon Ra, have glory and infinite, never-ending, eternal dominance!”
All these people ordained with eternal rising force, ordain you highly, mighty self-encircling eternal lustrous fire!

This is who you are for us, the gathering of Joy of Satan disciples, Lord Amon Ra!

[Focus on the Sigil willing this so]

Berkano x10

Sowilo x10

Raidho x10

Then affirm ONCE:

You are Powerful, you are Purified. Your Power brings to us all our needs.
Your service is good for the children of the Gods: the followers of the Joy of Satan, the Family of Satan.
Pure are your acts, our beloved, Great, and Esteemed Amon Ra!

[Focus on the Sigil willing this so], THEN

Vibrate AMON RA x10 times, then
Vibrate BI-ELGAR x10 times, then
Vibrate HA-AMON x10 times, then
Vibrate AMUN-RA-PTAH x10 times, and affirm 3 times after you are done vibrating:

[AUM...Affirm...AUM is once]


Blessed are you, Lord Amon Ra, Guardian of the Sacred Sun.
You Guard the Gates of Light.
You are Amun, You are Ra, you are Ptah, the Three-Natured Lord of The Light.

Blessed are we all to bless you by our Rituals, Great Guardian.

We, your followers in the Gods, receive all your abundant blessings.

Amon Ra, Hammon, Amun Ra, Zeus Amun—these are some of your Names and Titles.
Blessed are All your Names, now and in all eternity!


Final Step:

After you are done with this, you can meditate on Amon Ra’s Sigil in the Joy of Satan or the one below. Let yourself be immersed and receive energy from the Demon Amon Ra.

It's important to meditate on yourself after the Ritual calmly for a few minutes.

Ritual Notes:
सत् = SAT, real, true, truthful in Sanskrit

To pronounce the Runes

Raising your Energies

The Symbol that encapsulates the Sigil: The Shen Ring, Egyptian Hieroglyphic language. The Shen also survived in Chinese tradition as a glyph for Spiritual Force, Divine Force, and God.

The letters of the sigil inside: The Ancient Greek letters for Amon Ra's Name in arrangement.

Sigil For Focus: